Captain Alex Gorichky Joins the Indian River Lagoon Clam Restoration Project Team

We’re excited to announce that Captain Alex Gorichky has joined the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) Clam Restoration Project! Working under Project SeaSafe’s Conservation Director, Cory Redwine, Alex joins Captain Blair Wiggins, Norm Kolsh, and Dr. Todd Osborne to help expand efforts to restore the lagoon’s clam populations. Since its founding six years ago, the IRL Clam Restoration Project has successfully reintroduced 50 million clams to the lagoon, where they play a vital role in filtering water and supporting marine biodiversity.
Alex recently represented the project at the three-day Sebastian Clam Bake Festival, where he connected with hundreds of attendees, spreading the word about IRL Clam Restoration’s work and the importance of clam populations in keeping Florida’s waters clean. His passion and commitment to Florida’s waterways add strength to our mission of revitalizing the lagoon.
For updates on our work and ways to get involved stay tuned. Together, we’re building a healthier, more resilient Indian River Lagoon.